Sunday, October 5, 2014

Vol.1, No 14
11 October 2003

Long Time No Sea

WELL – though it seems an eternity since I posted a “mews,” it’s really been only the LONGEST WEEKS OF MY LIFE!  (Okay – just seems like it.)  I was “grounded” from the sea because of a sciatic nerve problem and thought my mewsing was over for the winter.  NOT SO!  Been back in the coooooooooooold water 3-4 times – even the starfish are hiding in the cold.  I wonder where they go?  Deeper water?  South for the winter – but, er, this IS south!  Or maybe just under the sand?  WHATEVER, they are hiding cause it is COLD down there!

Anyway, today I had a “smack you in the face with it” revelation and have been chewing on this for awhile.  Thought I’d share it with you.  Guess what?  I’VE GOT A FEELING EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALL RIGHT!  WHY?  Jesus is in MY boat!  (p.s.  He’s in YOUR boat, too!)

This morning, I read the story of the storm at sea in a devotional book.  Now picture this:  Tiny boat, 12 disciples and Jesus, deep water, middle of the night, black dark, STORM!  As the boat is rocking and rolling on the sea, the disciples are in a state of panic.  I can picture them trying to bail a boat full of sea water with a thimble, can’t you?  They are yelling at each other, frantically trying to figure out what to DO to fix this mess – AS IF!!!  Oh, yes, and where is the main character in this scenario – in the back of the boat, FAST ASLEEP!

Finally, after an eternity (so it seemed to them) of trying to figure their way out of this problem, somebody remembered Jesus was with them (are you getting this????).  They wake Him up!  NOW, step inside my shoes for a moment and listen to my heart.

Jesus (as I picture this) groggily steadies Himself in the boat, speaks to the winds and the waves (GUESS WHO, BOYS!  It’s your CREATOR speaking!  KNOCK IT OFF!), then slowly sits down and points those incredible eyes at the disciples.  He doesn’t have to SAY a word because in their spirits, they are hearing … ‘DID YOU HONESTLY THINK THIS BOAT WOULD SINK AND THAT YOU WOULD DROWN --- WITH THE SON OF GOD IN THE BOAT!’

Anybody reading this in the same “boat” with me???  I’ve been trying to figure my way out of the current mess (bailing the sea out with a thimble) while Jesus is calmly snoring IN MY BOAT!  How in the world could I ever think that He would let me drown if He is in the same boat?!?!?!  He brought me here!  He opened the doors to get me where I am!  And if this boat sinks, I figure there’s a bigger better one waiting to rescue me/us – right around the corner!!

While repenting for my lack of faith, I picked up my Bible and read of the woman with the issue of blood.  Mews #2:  This woman had to fight crowds to get to Jesus.  She had faith to believe that if she just touched His clothes, she would be healed – but because of the time she was living in, she actually had to FIND HIM and TOUCH HIM!

Guess what?  Though heaven is a noisy place – with billions of angels singing and praising and glorifying Jesus and the Father – all we have to do is WHISPER “Jesus” and He says “SH!  QUIET!  My daughter/son is talking to me!”  We can have His attention with a whisper!

I don’t know about you folks, but I think THAT will PREACH!  When your “boat” begins to rock and roll, remember you don’t have to GO anywhere to find help – just whisper His Name and TRUST HIM!


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