Sunday, February 4, 2018

OH MY GOODNESS - a 1000 apologies!  HAS IT REALLY BEEN OVER THREE YEARS?  UGH!  How on earth does one catch up almost 4 years worth of "happenings" - warp speed maybe?  God has been so good to this world traveling girl - buckle your seatbelts and let's see how we do.
Only Janey can give "the look!"
I offer only this - life happens!  In the past 3+ years, I have returned from my beloved overseas life to being a full-time artist-in-residence in my lovely home in Texas.  I have sent my two precious kitties (Shakespeare and Dickens) over the rainbow bridge and welcomed in Lady Jane Austen (Janey), Shakespeare2 (Shakes - ummm - a girl), and Perkens.   They are such a delight and really keep this house on its toes.
Baby Bear in his Viking hat

I have also welcomed not just a new grandson-in-love in 2015, but a new GREAT grandson on St. Patrick's Day, 2017!  See?  Life has happened.  This is Bear - is he not the cutest!

Book #2 in my series is out - and when I can settle down to do it, I'm working on #3 and #4!

We did our first book launch at my church (New Beginnings Church in Bedford, TX) in Kid City.  Baby Girl came to join me and we read to the kiddos and signed books.  Here we are with two loyal fans.  How do you like our aprons?

We had our second book launch in Tulsa at Braum's.  Here's Baby Girl again (she lives there) with 3 cutie pies who are like family to us.  We had door prizes and they won a cat pillow - looks so real!  A friend from my days in Crete was working in OKC and she drove over and got a trunk full of books.  Thanks, Donna Dew!

I have been back to the Dominican Republic many times in the past few years, assembling and delivering curriculum for English classes.  As I write this, I'm preparing another trip to train a new teacher in how to use all of it.  I now have three girls and a boy (we sponsor him in Bear's name) who are able to go to school and get some hot meals every day, thanks to sponsorship.  This year marks the first high school graduation ever for our new high school.  What a blessing to be part of changing the world through this precious kiddos!

I've been on a personal improvement journey since January 2017 and have lost almost 50 pounds.  I feel amazing and ready to plow into life with even more vim, vigor and vitality.  I'm working hard to get caught up with all the little projects (like writing books and blogs!) I've let slide.  I promise more to come - soon.

                                                Looking pretty good for 71, don't you think?

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